Sunday, January 13, 2008

Drugs side effect - flatulence

A side effect of all internal medicines is flatulence. All drugs alter your digestive system in order to be absorbed into your body. Thus they would effect your system in some way. The enzymes and bacteria in your colon will react different to the drug just as your body will react differently to the medicine. Your flatus output will be different. The new weight loss drug Alli has listed flatulance as a side-effect. Metformin is a diabetes drug and most patients state that they have increased intestinal gas.
Fortunately the Flatulence Deodorizer by Flat-D Innovations is not a drug that you take internally. It is a simple external activated charcoal cloth pad that you place in your underwear next to your buttocks. As you expel the smelly gas, the activated charcoal absorbs the odor molecules and then you don't smell the odor commonly associated with the intestinal gas.
Visit for a list of their products for all gas problems. This product will work for everyone.

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