Many of our customers have IBS and lactose intolerance which can flare up at this time, so just have your Flat-D Odor Control Products ready....
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Holiday flatulence
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Gas odor and pain
Putting on a Flat-D pad can end embarrassment of gas odor.
Many foods contribute to gas buildup and pain as well. These include dairy products, bran, vegetables like asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage, plus fruits like peaches, pears and apples. Beans (legumes) can also cause gas, as can most foods that contain carbohydrates. Some medications and supplements such as aspirin, antacids, multivitamins and fiber supplements also contribute to air buildup and feelings of discomfort.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Flatulence relief
We know people find a sense of relief wearing a Flat-D Odor Control Products pad and knowing they will not be smelly.
Friday, June 30, 2023
Artificial Sweeteners and Flatulence
You can eat what you want and use a Flat-D Odor Control Products, Flatulence Deodorizer to avoid embarrassment from smelly gas.
Various research studies on different types of artificial sweeteners have indicated the following dangers of artificial sweeteners:Certain artificial sweeteners have laxative effects, and excess consumption can cause unnecessary flatulence and indigestion, as it speeds up the process of movement of food in the intestine.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Unpleasant act of flatulence
Flat-D makes several pads that take care of the unpleasant part of releasing intestinal gas. Check out our website
Friday, March 31, 2023
Flatulence and bloating
You can eat what you want and wear a Flat-D Odor Control Products pad. Sometimes healthy items can cause smelly gas
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Stinky farts in bed
This article shows that it is the smell not the sound that is the problem. A Flat-D pad is great at removing the odor but surprisingly it also muffles the sound.