Monday, December 30, 2024

Covid Flatulence ???

 Wearing a Flat-D pad can remove the odors from flatulence but none of these other afflictions.

A report from the nation’s drugs watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, listed some of the weirdest reported side-effects of Covid vaccines logged over the past five years.

It comes after it was revealed 16,000 people have made a compensation claim to a government scheme for alleged harm caused by the vaccines.

Among cases logged were 18 people whose libidos increased uncontrollably — while another 61 saw a fall in their sex drive.

There were 24 cases of eating disorders and 43 patients said they went on to suffer paranoia.

One person said they had developed transvestism, a condition where people wear the clothes of the opposite sex, after having Pfizer vaccine.

Some 415 people said the Astra vaccine caused them to suffer from flatulence.

Uncontrollable yawning, fatigue, nausea, skin rashes and gambling were also recorded.

The register acts as an “early warning system” for potential side effects.
The MHRA said: “A reported reaction does not necessarily mean it has been caused by the medicine, only that the reporter had a suspicion it may have.”

Monday, September 30, 2024

We all have flatulence

 In fact, we all fart and anyone who says they don’t is either lying, or unaware of the gas coming out, because maybe they hold on to it until they go to the toilet or whilst they sleep.

Flatulence comes from gas leaving the gastrointestinal tube, and while everyone does it, there are certain foods that can alter how much gas and the smell.

Spicy foods, beans and vegetables such as sprouts and cabbage have been found to increase flatulence – and whilst a diet high in fibre is absolutely great for our health, it can mean more gas.

It’s a good idea for most of us to increase our fibre intake but it’s best to increase it slowly and gradually to prevent any unpleasant symptoms.

But if there’s a change in your flatulence that persists and is also accompanied by other symptoms, such as tummy ache, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation or changes to bowel habit then it’s important to get it checked out as it could be a symptom of an underlying condition.

It’s completely normal for farts not to smell or to smell strongly.

It depends on the person, what they’ve eaten and their individual microbiome – that’s the community of bacteria and other microbes that live inside our digestive tract and help us digest certain nutrients, especially those from fibre-rich foods.
