Some people call a Flat-D pad a gas patch.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Flat-D Gas Patch Remedy
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Flatulence log
Wear a Flatulence Deodorizer and not have any problems. Otherwise this is some good advice
Q: In the afternoons I often have very loud gas.
I do eat breakfast, but sometimes skip lunch. Different over-the-counter meds have been mostly useless. The flatulence happens throughout the evening. What can you suggest?
A. The first step in overcoming gas is to keep a “fart chart.” People can be sensitive to different foods. For many, legumes are the culprit. For others it is wheat or barley, especially if they are sensitive to gluten. Milk sugar (lactose) is another potential problem. That’s why keeping track of flatulence and food triggers can be helpful.
You didn’t mention whether you are taking any medications. A surprising number of drugs can trigger flatulence.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Farts smell bad, but a Flat-D pad can help pads are the most popular solution to remove that bad smelling gas odor.
There are numerous reasons why your farts may smell bad. “While working to digest food, the body makes several byproducts, such as hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide,” Dr. O’Brien says. “When these gases are released from your body, they can cause odiferous farts.” Dietary decisions can play a role, i.e. particularly foul-smelling flatulence usually occurs when you eat fatty and unhealthy foods. And food allergies and/or sensitivities can make your gas smell.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Flatulence at the wrong time
A Flatulence Deodorizer by can help with most smelly gas odor situations.
Flatulence doesn’t care about your schedule, unfortunately. But it could be a lot worse than a burp over dinner or a bottom burp in an overpopulated elevator.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Stinking out bedroom
We suggest this woman do a google search for Flat-D and or Flatulence Deodorizer. And give one to your husband.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Flat-D helps vegetarians eat beans
Flat-D gets a lot of calls an product orders from vegetarians. Here is a post we came across. (also a Flat-D pad can be cut for children size use)
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Vegetarian gas and climate change
Flat-D is here to help during the transition towards lowering greenhouse gases. The Flatulence Deodorizer pad will remove the odors from the smelly been causing gases. No requests from ranchers for pads for cattle yet.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Bug cant wear a Flat-D pad so it kills others with its farts.
People wearing a Flat-D pad dont have to be concerned about being compared to this bug.